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What to wear on the Mountain

Judging the right equipment to bring out into the mountains takes time. Here at Project Adventure we organise the logistics, so you can focus on having an amazing mountain day creating new memories.

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Equipment to Bring 

Important Information

You will be supplied with a comprehensive list during your booking process, which will cover the essential items such as;

-Waterproof Top/Bottoms

-Walking boots

-Hats and gloves 

-Food and Drink

-Suitable rucksack for the day

-No need to worry about a map... we'll sort that!


If your not sure you have all the equipment then don't panic, we have got some items available to hire.

Advanced booking is essential:
-Often people worry about fitness or a medical conditions, we promise to make your experiences enjoyable as possible
-Walking outside Shropshire will incur mileage, calculated at £0.30 per mile
-Well-behaved owners can bring their dog/s 
- Children under 18 must have a parent or legal guardian attending due to wild environment
-If one of the party pulls out mid walk then the whole walk might have to be stopped


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